Walking and Thinking


On Sunday 15th July, a handful of us from the ‘On the Move’ team joined members of Bristol ACTSA on their annual ‘Walk for Southern Africa’ on the Mendips. It was a thoroughly… Read More

Why Map? – Reflections on Cultural Mapping from Coimbra to Bristol


I write this post this from a moving train. This is a space that is at once confined by steel lines stapled to heavy oak sleepers, whose duration is limited by timetables beyond… Read More

ACTSA Mendips Walk


I was very pleased to go for a walk across the Medips with ACTSA and some of the Know Your Bristol on the Move team on Sunday, 15 June. This annual walk, 6 miles… Read More

Video Blog 6: History Day at Dame Emily Park


See the highlights from a sunny ‘History Day’ in Dame Emily Park. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV6bDUNEIdE

History Day in Dame Emily Park


On Saturday the Know Your Bristol on the Move team took the new marquee along to Dame Emily Park in Bedminster/Southville for an event co-organised with our community partners at the Southville CDA,… Read More

Video Blog 5: SPAN Interviews


Participants film interviews with each other about the SPAN project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKegnSHAKbQ

Video Blog 4: Red Notes Choir


The Bristol Socialist Choir, ‘Red Notes’, perform at the Bristol ACTSA meeting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7YPxEbG4f0

Home Movie Day


It’s annual global Home Movie Day and we’re planning a Know Your Bristol on the Move event to coincide with this.   Home Movie Day is a celebration of amateur films and filmmaking… Read More

History Day in Dame Emily Park


Come and join us for a history day in Dame Emily Park.  Share your memories of the park with our team of historians, enjoy jazz music, take part in children’s activities and relax… Read More

Video Blog 3: SPAN Celebration Day


The SPAN project strand celebrates its exploration of women’s history in Bristol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQtlPqwC1e0